Tuesday 7 June 2011

And then this wet wet stuff fell from the sky....

 This weekend it rained. Real, proper, hard, wet, rain. It was wonderful- I could practically hear the vegetables cheering in the allotment. I had to call off preparations for my mini wildlife sanctuary at the allotment, feeling that it would be better to do the rainy Sunday afternoon thing and curl up with a good book and a cup of tea.

While the courgettes and I were celebrating, the chickens were looking less happy. Within a few hours they were soaked through...it didn't seem to slow them down at first but soon they retired to the warmth of their eglu to fluff up and dry off. I stopped short of giving them a blow dry- but boy did I want to!

Here are some photos of a very soggy Maude and Mildred...


  1. lol awww pictures of blow dried chickens would have been great ;)

  2. when we first found Henny she'd been out in the rain all night having escaped from the battery when they came in to clear the stock.
    For a warm fluff-up she spent the day on an electric blanket- with Rescue Remedy in her drinking water!
    Soppy or what?

  3. just popped back over to say thankyou for following my blog- hope to catch up again soon

  4. Aw the poor girls! My lot can commiserate - we've had A LOT of rain the past few weeks and they just stand in it!

    Glad the rain has headed over to you and your veggies :D xx

  5. Hi Thanks for your comments on my blog & for following :-) My poor girls got very wet yesterday ... not too much sympathy for them though really as they had the choice to stay out of the rain if they wanted! They do look funny when they get really wet though :-D
